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Double pulse test with AFG31000
4 Key Testing Phases for Power Conversion Equipment Tuesday, February 14, 2023
While the types of electrical tests required during the design and production of power conversion equipment are similar to those required for previous generations of devices, the adoption of wide-bandgap materials like silicon carbide (SiC) or gallium nitride (GaN) requires added rigor and new test strategies. Bench testing continues to play an important role at every stage of the development of …
Tektronix at DesignCon 2023
Gain Powerful Design Insights, Join Tektronix at DesignCon 2023 Wednesday, January 18, 2023
DesignCon 2023 is happening January 31 – February 2, 2023 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA and we’ll be at Booth 727. Swing by and we’ll show you – in real time – practical applications to solve current and emerging test challenges.  Here’s what you’ll find… Deep Dive Into DDR5 and LPDDR5/5X Explore the Tektronix memory solutions (leveraging powerful analysis tools) on AMD’s …
Engineer using a Tektronix Isolated probe with an oscilloscope
SiC MOSFETs Represent Opportunities and Measurement Challenges for EV Designers Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Innovation in semiconductor technology is enabling more efficient and dense power conversion in hybrid and electric vehicles. Wide bandgap silicon carbide (SiC) technology enables faster switching and lower switching loss in high voltage EV systems.  However, the same fast switching and high voltage capabilities that make SiC MOSFETs so promising, also create measurement challenges. Probing the …
DRAM Memory
New Ways to Access Ever-Smaller DRAM Memory Friday, April 1, 2022
We’re in a new age of data. As our world becomes more enabled and new technologies are implemented, the world is experiencing an explosion in the amount of data being generated and processed. According to Statista global research, there will be 97 Zettabytes of data created this year. Even more jarring is the acceleration of the pace at which that data is being created; a 2020 study delivered by …
5 series mixed signal oscilloscope with a Tektronix IsoVu probe
Best Practices When Handling Tektronix IsoVu Isolated Differential Probes Monday, December 20, 2021
In this article, we will explore in detail some best practices to follow when handling Tektronix's isolated differential probe, also known as IsoVu™ probes. What is IsoVu?  IsoVu is the brand name used to describe Tektronix's isolated differential probes. Generation One (TIVHx/TIVMx) was released several years ago, and Generation Two (TIVPx) came out more recently. IsoVu probes were originally …
Tektronix oscilloscope probe innovation blog
History of Tektronix Oscilloscope Probes Infographic Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Tektronix has been a leader in developing cutting-edge oscilloscope probe technology for nearly 30 years. The infographic below highlights some of the key innovations and probe features we’ve developed in the last few decades. From low noise, low loading, and high bandwidth power rail probes to low input capacitance, high voltage single ended probes, our portfolio is designed to help engineers …
Oscilloscope probe connected to a DUT
什么是示波器探头? Monday, May 3, 2021
示波器探头是一种在测试点或信号源 与示波器之间建立物理和电气连接的设备。 根据您的测量需求,这种连接既可以通过一根简单的导线实现, 也可以使用有源差分探头等高精度仪器来完成。从本质上说,探头是一种设备或网络, 用于将信号源与示波器的输入端连接起来。 示波器探头的工作原理 示波器探头在信号源或被测设备 (DUT) 与示波器之间提供高质量的连接。在选择和使用示波器探头时,有许多重要的考虑因素,包括 物理附件、对电路操作产生的影响以及信号传输。 示波器探头的解析 大多数探头至少有一至两米长的电缆。当探头需要在被测电路的 不同测试点之间移动时,探头电缆使得示波器可以稳定地放置在小车或工作台上, 无需随之移动。然而,在某些情况下,探头电缆可能会降低探头的带宽。因此,电缆越长 ,带宽降低也会越多。 大多数探头都有一个带探头端部的探头头部或手柄 …
Accurate measurements on your power converters begin with your probe tip Thursday, September 12, 2019
  One of the biggest challenges power electronic designers face is connecting probes to circuit boards, maintaining both electrical and mechanical integrity.  As components and modules continue to become smaller and smaller, the connectivity challenge will only become more difficult. How will you face this challenge? This blog will explore some of the current challenges in connectivity and some …
Tektronix to Demonstrate Wide Bandgap Power Solutions at APEC 2019
Tektronix to Demonstrate Wide Bandgap Power Solutions at APEC 2019 Saturday, March 16, 2019
The big news for Tektronix at the APEC 2019 Conference next week will be a new solutions kit for SiC MOSFET and GaN FET switching power conversion testing. Tektronix offers the only solution on the market that can accurately characterize all the critical parameters for optimizing power electronics topologies that use wide bandgap Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) semiconductors …