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How do I connect to my Oscilloscope via an Ethernet connection with NI-VISA?


How do I connect to my Oscilloscope via an Ethernet connection with NI-VISA?


Connecting via NIVISA has the same end effect to connecting to your instrument via TekVISA, but the method is different. Here is a step-by-step tutorial, using a TDS3000B connected through Ethernet, and NIVISA version 4.0.2.

1. Open National Instrument Measurement & Automation Explorer (NIMAX).

Fully open

Figure 1: NIMAX when it is fully open

2. You will need to create a new connection, by right clicking on “Devices and Interfaces” and clicking “Create New”.

New Connection

Figure 2: Create a new connection

3. Click on the VISATCP/IP Resource, and Click “Next”.


Figure 3: Select the type of connection

4. The TDS3000B is a VXI-11 Instrument (As are all our other oscilloscopes), so choose that option, then click “Next”.


Figure 4: Choosing the type of LAN resource

5. You can now choose to either enter the IP address manually, or search for the instrument on the local subnet.

create new

Figure 5: Select the way you will specify the instrument connection

6. We have chosen to enter the IP address manually. Enter the IP address, then Press Validate to make sure NIMAX can communicate to the instrument.

7. If you wish, you can specify an alias that is easy to remember, then Click “Finish”.


Figure 6: Specify an alias

8. Your connection has now been specified, and is available for use.


Figure 7: Finished Connection

9. You can use the NI Talker/Listener to make sure you have full communication. Right click on the connection and click on “Open VISA Test Panel”. You can then enter raw commands to the scope and see the responses. In this case, we have written *IDN? to the scope, and are receiving the identity of the scope in response.


Figure 8: Talker/Listener

The setup is now complete, and you have full communication with your instrument. You can now use your communication software to work with your instrument.


产品系列: MSO3000 / DPO3000 TDS3000C Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope (Discontinued)


常见问题 ID 63526

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