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产品技术资料 文献编号: 发布日期 KickStart 仪器控制软件
KickStart软件让你加快获得测量数据。 KickStart简化了您需要知道的仪器知 识,在短短几分钟内,您就可以开箱使 用仪器,获得被测器件的实际数据。通 过立即绘制数据图,在读表中快速提供 数据的统计汇总,KickStart可以让您 更快地收集所需信息,制订所需决策, 转向器件开发的下一个阶段。通过使用 方便的导出功能,KickStart可以简便 迅速地复现测试,比较结果,节省时间。 有了KickStart,您可以把重点放在理 解测试结果上,让您的团队满足创新目 标。1KW-60965-3 Model 2100 6-1/2-Digit USB Digital Multimeter
2010 Catalog page
手册 手册类型 部件号: 发布日期 型号 2100 6 1/2 位分辨率 数字万用表 User's Manual
User's Manual用户 2100-900-03F Keithley Model 2100 6 1/2-Digit Resolution Digital Multimeter Calibration Manual
This manual provides instructions to help you calibrate and adjust your Model 2100 6 1/2-Digit Resolution Digital Multimeter.用户 2100-905-01C Model 4299-7 Fixed Rack-Mount Kit Assembly and Mounting Instructions
This document contains the parts list and installation information for products that can be mounted with this rack-mount kit.用户 PA-1065E Keithley KI-Tool and KI-Link Software Users Manual
技术文档 文档类型 发布日期 数字万用表选型指南
米乐m6网页版登录入口和吉时利的数字万用表的选型全面指南,包括功能,收益,测量能力以及型号之间的比较。产品选择指南 Building a Benchtop PID Controller
白皮书 数字万用表的使用方法教程
本处数字万用表的使用方法教程将为您提供部分基础资料,让您最大限度地利用米乐m6网页版登录入口数字万用表,包括怎样进行准确的电阻测量及怎样简便地计算测量统计数据。应用指南 Model 2100 6 1/2-Digit Resolution Digital Multimeter Specifications
Model 2100 6 1/2-Digit Resolution Digital Multimeter Specifications技术指标 E-Handbook to Understanding Electrical Test and Measurement
Introduction Welcome to Keithley's Guide to Understanding Electrical Test and Measurement. For over 60 years, Keithley testand measurement instruments have provided measurements ranging from the most basic to very complex. In all …速查资料 Building a Benchtop PID Controller
白皮书 E-Guide: High Performance DMMs for Single- and Multi-Channel Applications
速查资料 The Global Need for Low-Cost DMMs
软件 文档类型 部件号: 发布日期 KickStart Instrument Control Software version 2.11.2
KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings. • Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …应用 KICKSTART-2.11.2 KickStart Instrument Control Software version 2.11.1
KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of readings. • Set up a multi-instrument test with the ability to …应用 KICKSTART-2.11.1 Keithley I/O Layer version C10 (Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 Compatible)
Keithley I/O Layer version C10 (KIOL-850C10 adds support for Windows 10 and 11 Operating Systems and installs NI-VISA Runtime 17.5 and NI-ICP 17.0. This release replaces previous versions of KIOL-850B07, KIOL-850C02, KIOL-850C03, KIOL-850C04, KIOL …应用 KIOL-850C10 Kickstart 仪器控制软件 2.5.0(Windows 10 8 7兼容)
"KickStart Software for the PC enables quick test setup and data visualization when using one or more instruments. Key Features • Save time by automating data collection of millions of …应用 Model 2100 Firmware Release Package V1.12
Model 2100 Firmware Release Package V1.12固件 2100-FRP-V1.12 Matlab_Hello world使用Matlab对仪器设备进行编程入门
本例程提供了Matlab对仪器进行控制,演示了最基本的连接仪器的步骤。 请注意相关软件配置环境以及VISA resource地址。Tektronix公司不负责该例程的完整性、可执行性和正确性。 请点击‘’安装说明“链接直接获取 TXT 源码文件脚本例程 Model 2100 Firmware Files revision 1_09
Maintenance release of firmware for 2100 (V1.09)固件 2100-FRP-V1.09 Keithley I/O Layer - version C07 (Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP Compatible)
Keithley I/O Layer version C07 (KIOL-850C07 adds a change to only send the :syst:rem command to RS-232 connections This release replaces previous versions of KIOL-850B07, KIOL-850C02, KIOL-850C03, KIOL-850C04, KIOL-850C05, KIOL-850C06). This version …应用 KIOL-850C07 KI Tool Software for Models 2100, 2110 (includes Excel and Word add-ins), rev. 2.04 (Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP and Win2K Compatible)
KI-Tool and KI-LINK (excel and word add-ins) Software version 2.04 for Models 2100, 2110 Digital Multimeters (Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP and 2000 Compatible).(Replaces all previous versions).应用 KITOOL-2.04
常见问题 常见问题 ID 米乐m6网页版登录入口吉时利源表万用表:四线测试法是什么?
四线测试法是目前为止最好的消除引线电阻引入误差(或将其将至最小的)的测试方案 两线测量法: 传统的电阻测量通常用的是两线测量法来进行测量,比如我们最常用的手持式万用表。测量时只需要将红黑表笔点在待测电阻的左右两端,万用表会自动添加一个激励电流或激励电压(自动激励大小与选择的档位有关,万用表中激励大小不可调)。添加激励电压的同时,测试被测件两端的电流;或者添加激励电流的同时,测试被测件两端的电压。再通过欧姆定律R=U/I 得到电阻值。如图1所示 …473441 What is a DMM (Digital Multimeter)?