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产品技术资料 文献编号: 发布日期 误码率测试仪
BERTScope BSX 系列误码率测试仪引入了能够支持第四代及以上新兴标准的接收机测试平台。通过增加强大的数据处理和内置发射机均衡技术,BERTScope 支持基于协议的握手功能,并与被测器件 (DUT) 同步,包括交互式链路训练,支持最高 32 Gb/s 的数据速率。BSX 系列缩短了调试物理层和链路训练问题所需的时间,为满足各种标准提供了最快速的途径。65C-61052-9
手册 手册类型 部件号: 发布日期 BSX Series Installation and Safety Instructions
Installation and Safety用户 071349601 BSX Series User Manual
User Manual用户 077128800 BSX Remote Control Guide
BERTScope remote control guide for BSX series Online Help联机帮助 077128400 BSX Series Declassification and Security Instructions
Declassification & Security解密 077128600
技术文档 文档类型 发布日期 DisplayPort 1.4 over Type-C一致性测试电子书
下载最新DisplayPort 1.4电子书,其中介绍了最新发射机测试条件,包括最新HBR3 (8.1Gbps)数据速率、推荐的DUT连接设置(与示波器通道对应的数据通路)、校准抖动参数使用的接收机测试输入等。操作指南 DisplayPort PHY 1.4接收器校准和测试指引MOI
DisplayPort PHY 1.4接收器校准和测试用户指引MOI,其中采用米乐m6网页版登录入口BSX/BSA BERTScope和DPO/MSO70000实时示波器。技术简介 USB 3.1 参考指南 - 您需要知道哪些内容
快速、轻松参考重要 USB 规范,无需整理数百页内容。此指南包括重要的电气测试参数、一致性模式的参考图像、第 1 代和第 2 代的环回序列、如何克服关键 Tx 和 Rx 测试和测量挑战等。应用指南 迁移到第4代企业和数据中心I/O标准
此白皮书内容包括自适应均衡和链路训练、复杂测试前向纠错FEC的影响、调试协议握手和物理层问题,通道性能评估最新发展趋势和转变到第四代标准需要的材料。白皮书 使用BERT进行高级Serdes调试
在本文中,我们将制订简单的战略,演示虚拟探测及精确压力和误码位置分析的处理能力。将接触发射机测试,但重点会放在接收机测试上,因为高速串行数据系统的性能依赖于复杂的接收机,而这些接收机本身就很难调试。白皮书 克服第四代I/O应用中的接收机测试挑战
这份最新应用指南提供了重要信息,介绍了怎样使用误码率测试仪对第四代企业接收机执行一致性测试和诊断测试。应用指南 巧用Bert进行接收端容限测试和调试分析
通过实际案例,Bertscope 的眼图抖动和误码定位分析可为客户带来很多调试手段,把时域和误码极好的相关联起来,帮用户极大提高测试和调试效率。成功案例 PCIe要了解的10件事
了解PCIe Gen4有哪些特点,一致性测试,包括校准、预置测试、自动化和调试;发射机和接收机测试程序;PCIe调试,包括环回初始化和协议识别握手。 下载文件技术简介 PCIe Gen3 (8GT/s) Receiver Jitter Tolerance Test MOI
This document covers the Method of Implementation (MOI) for PCIe Gen3 (8GT/s) Receiver Jitter Tolerance Test (Add-In Card and System) using Tektronix BSX Series BERTScope Bit Error Tester and ‘BERTScope PCIE3.0 Receiver Testing’ Application.技术简介
软件 文档类型 部件号: 发布日期 Tektronix Receiver Test Application Software for USB3.1 Gen1 and Gen2 - V7.0.4
USB 3.1 Gen1 and Gen2: Tektronix USB Rx test solution is based upon the procedure described in the USB-IF Compliance Test Specification (CTS). Receiver testing first involves calibrating the set-up as described in the CTS and then proceeding with …应用 066195006 BERTScope PCIe Rx Test Application Software - V3.2.0
PCIe 3.0 and 4.0 Rx Test solution:BERTScope PCIe Rx test solution is based upon the procedure described in the PCI-SIG Compliance Test Specification (CTS) document. Receiver testing first involves calibrating the set-up as described in the CTS and …应用 066193303 BERTSCOPE APPLICATION SOFTWARE - WIN10 - V12.04.5608
The BERTScope BSX-series Bit Error Rate Tester introduces a receiver test platform capable of supporting emerging Gen4 standards and beyond. With the addition of powerful data processing and internal Tx equalization, the BERTScope supports protocol …应用 066193605 Tektronix Receiver Test Application Software for USB3.1 Gen1 and Gen2 - V7.0.3
USB 3.1 Gen1 and Gen2: Tektronix USB Rx test solution is based upon the procedure described in the USB-IF Compliance Test Specification (CTS). Receiver testing first involves calibrating the set-up as described in the CTS and then proceeding with …066195005 BERTScope PCIe Rx Test Application Software - V3.1.1
PCIe 3.0 and 4.0 Rx Test solution:BERTScope PCIe Rx test solution is based upon the procedure described in the PCI-SIG Compliance Test Specification (CTS) document. Receiver testing first involves calibrating the set-up as described in the CTS and …应用 066193302 Tektronix Receiver Test Application Software for USB3.1 Gen1 and Gen2 - V7.0.2
USB 3.1 Gen1 and Gen2: Tektronix USB Rx test solution is based upon the procedure described in the USB-IF Compliance Test Specification (CTS). Receiver testing first involves calibrating the set-up as described in the CTS and then proceeding with …应用 066195004 BERTScope PCIe Rx Test Application Software - V3.1.0
PCIe 3.0 and 4.0 Rx Test solution:BERTScope PCIe Rx test solution is based upon the procedure described in the PCI-SIG Compliance Test Specification (CTS) document. Receiver testing first involves calibrating the set-up as described in the CTS and …应用 066193301 BERTSCOPE APPLICATION SOFTWARE - WIN7 - V12.04.5522
The BERTScope BSX-series Bit Error Rate Tester introduces a receiver test platform capable of supporting emerging Gen4 standards and beyond. With the addition of powerful data processing and internal Tx equalization, the BERTScope supports protocol …应用 066193604 BERTSCOPE APPLICATION SOFTWARE - WIN7 - V12.03.5275
The BERTScope BSX-series Bit Error Rate Tester introduces a receiver test platform capable of supporting emerging Gen4 standards and beyond. With the addition of powerful data processing and internal Tx equalization, the BERTScope supports protocol …应用 066193602 Tektronix Receiver Test Application Software for USB3.1 Gen1 and Gen2 - V2.3.0
USB 3.1 Gen1 and Gen2: Testing is described in the USB-IF Compliance Test Specification (CTS) document. Receiver testing is accomplished by connecting the output of a BERT pattern generator as an input to the DUT, through a specialized set of …应用 066195002